Conley was awakened by her excited and impatient mother on Friday morning. She opened her first gift and then Grandma Dollie came over to watch her for a few hours. In the afternoon, Conley, Mommy, Grandma Fran and Grandma Dollie all went to Build a Bear.

Grandma Fran helps Conley choose an animal. Conley chooses a panda bear.

Conley uses her foot to push the pedal. This helps stuff her panda bear.

Now it's time to make a wish before the heart is put in her bear.
Yeah! My panda is all stuffed! Now it's time to brush her and fluff her.

Mommy made a birth certificate for her. Conley named her Cupcake and then promptly began calling her Pandy.
She picked out a t-shirt and skirt for Pandy.
A great time was had by all.