Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween Fun

Conley dressed up as Stephanie from Lazy Town for Halloween this year. We took her to church for the Trick or Trunk event. She had a great time. A few months ago, Conley decided to go as Stephanie for Halloween. I was shocked that she remembered trick or treat from last year and then amazed when she stuck with her choice of going as Stephanie.

I spent some time using a curling iron to make the wig look nice. She looks so great in it!

Conley was more interested in her sucker than getting through the straw maze!

Family Gathering

Rub a Dub Dub, Five Babes in a Tub

Ain't that the sweetest thing?

Grandma and her two grand daughters

Maybe I should be wearing pink?

Making cookies was fun, but really messy.

Claire just loved the icing and sprinkles

It's a chocolate mustache!

Grandma and her six grandchildren.

Hudson, Conley and Joy went down the shark slide. FUN!

Why is the water fountain so fascinating?

Jack and Tucker playing with the barn.