On March 12 we met Dan and Angie out in Denver for a couples weekend. It was Dan's birthday, so we celebrated in style.
Dan received a special birthday dessert, compliments of the Westin in Denver.

Angie, Joy and Mike getting ready for a big birthday dinner.

Kim, Chris and Dan. Kim is due with baby No. 2 at the end of April!

Here is daddy and Conley "napping". I asked Conley to pretend like she was napping. She shut her eyes real tight and giggled while I took the picture.

Conley has a new found love of candy canes. And it doesn't matter how old they are!
FYI: Primerica is going public on April 1! Check out the website at http://www.primerica.com/kakabeeke
Have you seen Tami's travel website? I'm working for her on a part time basis now. Check us out at http://www.paradisegetaways.net/