Wow, time is sure flying by. It's been some time since I last updated our blog. We've been busy with the usual and we have been enjoying the beautiful Michigan weather. We put up with all the cold, snow and rain because of the magnificent summer days the Lord blesses us with. Enjoy the pictures.

Chris, Kim and Jack came to Michigan to celebrate Jack's 1st birthday over Memorial Day weekend. He is such a sweetie!

Jack didn't waste anytime enjoying his cake. He had fun, then he had a bath.

The water was still a bit cool, but the kids enjoyed it. Nathan helped Conley in the pool, since mommy and daddy were too chicken.

We took Conley to Deer Forest. Conley wasn't too interested in the deer or other animals. She did, however, enjoy the rides.

This is FUN!

My first ferris wheel ride.

This is just like the Dumbo ride at Disney World!
Giddee Up! My first ride by myself.

These are a few of my favorite things.

We are too cool for school.

Welcome back to the 80's, Joy!

We got our new deck finished! Before, our deck was all wood and enclosed. Now, it's all PVC material and has a staircase to the back yard. We are loving it. Jake Jonkman and his team built it for us. They did an awesome job. Jake can be reached at 269-353-3435.
I think you got us caught up. Conley has a fun life and really cool parents. The deck looks awesome. Good for you for advertising for Jake, he helped us with insulation and putting in a new front door, we think he's great.