Friday, May 7, 2010

Easter and Natalie

Conley's first time coloring Easter eggs.

She chose a Disney Princess coloring kit.

Here are the 5 Princess eggs we colored.

This is Conley's first Easter basket. Last year we were just returning home from Florida and the Bahamas so we didn't have time to put one together for her.
It took her a while to find under this chair.

In her beautiful Easter dress with her basket filled with candy.

Born April 25, 2010

Just look at that beautiful face!

Mike is so excited to meet Natalie.

Proud parents, Chris and Kim.

We are so happy for the healthy baby God has blessed Chris and Kim with. She is absolutely gorgeous and I can't wait to hold her again! Congratulations Chris, Kim and Jack!

1 comment:

  1. This was a happy day, we were all so excited to see her and hold her. Natalie is a sweet beauty and we are so thankful for her little life.
